Monday, November 24, 2008

Hard day

So, it has been a bad day. Just an all around crappy one. Let's review:

I have to wake up early today. Landon had therapy at 11 and to make sure it got a decent amount of time in at school before I had to pick him up, he had to get up and get there earlier then usual. He was not happy. He gave me attitude about getting him up. He wouldn't drink his yogurt drink because he was coughing and wanted water. Never mind the fact that he needed that drink because it had his medicine in it to help him go to the bathroom, his stomach has been so bloated his pants won't button. (Just another lovely side effect of autism.) So I dump it out and get him water. He won't eat his breakfast because his nose is stuffy. So he is crying which makes it worse. So I dump it all in a bag and tell him he can just eat it at school.

He doesn't want to get dressed; he wants to look at the cats outside. So I am trying to get him dressed, brush his teeth and get all his stuff together. On the way to school, he starts complaining his stomach is hurting. We get to school and he flips out. I was completely caught off guard. He was okay last week. He wasn't thrilled, but he never cried. Well he did today. He cried and threw himself at me and clung to me. He refused to let me walk out the door. I didn't know what to do! I tried reasoning with him and telling him he wouldn't be there long today. He didn't care. He kept saying his stomach was still hurting so I asked him if he wanted me to go home and get some medicine. He said yes. So I drove all the way back home and got it and came back. He was eating breakfast. As soon as he saw me he got upset. I gave him some medicine and tried to soothe him. He kept complaining it was still hurting. I told him to give it a chance to work. He didn't want to and started becoming really agitated. The teacher finally came over and distracted him by asking him to play with her. I slipped out, feeling like a failure. 

I got back and got Halle up, fed her breakfast. By the time I got back home my whole plan of having him stay and get some school time in was shot to hell; he only had a little over an hour before I had to go back and get him. I took a shower, got dressed, got Halle ready and their things together. I picked Landon up, who informed me he was feeling better. We hauled ass to make it to therapy, while getting behind every slow person in the world. He enjoyed therapy at least. Although in the car, and the rest of the day, he and Halle have been at each others throats and have been obnoxious to me as well! Lunch went well, until Landon started complaining about his stomach hurting again. Halle wouldn't nap, but at least Landon did. It is all cold and rainy today. I want to crawl in the bed and shut out the world. No one is listening today, well more then usual. The only consolation I have is that it is a short week. Then I get to go through all of this again after him being out of school for so long, and Halle starting school... fun times.

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