Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Big changes ahead

We went for our testing last week. I am happy to say Landon did great! He rarely had to be around the lady who upset him so bad and when he was he did okay. But he was very cooperative and passed his vision and hearing tests. The speech therapist said that he will need some therapy, with answering questions the right way instead of repeating the phrase and also with pragmatic language, she thinks he has the language of a 3 year old. But is confident by kindergarten he will be caught up. They won't be able to accept him there because he is more advanced then the kids that go there, so they are going to put him in another place that has half "normal" kids and half mild to moderate special needs kids. It is much closer to our house, which is good. 

We went and took a tour today. It seemed nice; and everyone there was pleasant, the kids looked happy. The only thing I am apprehensive about is that it is so long, from 7:30 to 2:30, 5 days a week. That is a big change for us. I know he needs it, but I am still worried. :( And I will miss him sooooo much. She offered to see if there was a spot for Halle, but that is a lot of money a week. I would love to get a job to pay for it, but I just don't know of a place that will let me have that kind of hours and I have no one to watch them on their breaks or when they are sick. So I don't know what to do. I guess I will have to keep her at home for now until I can figure something else out. I am so bummed, I would love to let her go to preschool, I think she would love it, once she got over me leaving her!

I went to an autism workshop yesterday; it was very informative. It was mainly centered around getting autistic children to play with others, starting with their parents. Also showing them the "correct" way to play with things since their brains can't figure it out, they show sequences and breaking things down to where they can understand them, things that come easily for other kids. I also met a lot of other great people attending for their students, children, grandchildren. It felt great being around people I could identify with and knew what I was going through. 

Well, Landon's IEP meeting set up for next week, so we will know more after that; when he will get to start preschool and how kindergarten will go. Will update more then; off to autistic family therapy!

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