Monday, October 13, 2008

Mondays ugh.

   I am not a big Monday fan... and today was no exception. I woke up late of course, so I had to rush and rush to get the kids up. Landon is not a morning fan either, so it was difficult getting him up and moving. I probably would have been on time despite everything except for when I came into the living room this morning my cat had destroyed so much stuff, I couldn't believe it. It took everything I had not to beat the living daylights out of him, and I love animals... 
   He had tipped over my vase on the table and chewed and pushed my fall flowers into the floor. They were fake so they went everywhere. He had pushed our pumpkin decorations off into the floor and chewed on those. But the kicker was that because Steve had left his water glass on the counter (even though I tell him all the time not to), he knocked it over and water got everywhere. All over the counter, in the floor, soaking everything, including my phone. So it wasn't working. So I cleaned all this up and got the kids out the door. I got to Steve's work at 10:55, we had to be at therapy at 11.

   I left my phone with Steve and told him to fix it, which he did. I was able to compose myself at therapy, the quiet time helped, but I got half way home and realized I had left my book there, so I had to turn around and get that. Not to mention when I got home the kids decided to argue and fight over everything. I have a terrible headache today too! And of course, they are still sick, so I am still cleaning up snot and getting onto Landon about running around, he will cough himself into a vomit spell. Anyway, end of rant!

   Therapy went well today, I asked him to keep it low key because I didn't want Landon getting too hot so he wouldn't cough. So they made a craft and took it easy. I am going to get into with Teacch as his therapist suggested, it is 6 months to a year waiting list, so I have to get on now. I am glad we got to back today since he missed it last week, I just wish they would get over this stupid cold already! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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