Friday, October 10, 2008


   It is Friday, although it feels like the middle of the week, and it has been a loooong never ending week. The kids are sick this week, have been all week, so I am walking around like a zombie. Halle starting throwing up at 3 in the morning on Sunday, of course in the middle of night, why can't it ever be in the day? So I was up all night with her. My mom took Landon to therapy that day while I stayed home with her. Her vomiting turned into a cold, drainage sometimes makes her sick. So she started getting a runny nose and fever. So I was taking care of her waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak, for Landon to get it. Which he did on Tuesday. He started throwing up that evening and continued all night long. He always gets things worse, so he was much more sick then she was, and instead of throwing up every once in a while, it was constant, so I was up all night with him. He finally stopped in the morning, just in time for me to have to get up with Halle and be dead tired. I got no rest on Monday night, even though she slept ok, because I ended up having to get up early to take Landon to hi pediatrician to discuss his autism. So it was 3 days with little sleep, and I was grumpy! This cold is still holding on, Steve and I both are getting up every night at least a few times with both of them because they are coughing terribly. You would think they would be improving at least some what, but it is not the case. I am hoping they start feeling better soon! At least Steve will be here this weekend to help me.

   Anyhow, we met with the pediatrician Tuesday to fill him in on what was going on. He put some calls in to some therapists in the area who specialize in autistic children and their families. I got a call yesterday from the doctor I guess they picked out, (or the one who takes Medicaid). We have a meeting with her in a couple of weeks, so I am looking forward to that, she seemed nice over the phone. She actually called me herself, and not her staff. I am not so sure how Steve is going to do though, guys aren't much for talking about their feelings, especially when it's admitting fears and such. But we will see how it goes. I am also meeting with the Exceptional Children director of the school district for Landon to see if he qualifies for that. If he does, which I am sure he would, he can possibly go for a little while to a classroom where they have kids like him at, and people would work with him while he was there as well. But I think it would get him used to a school setting. They have to do their own evaluation of him and will set up an IEP, which is for school, to determine how he learns best, like if he needs a smaller classroom, one on one type things, or whatever. So I think we are making all kinds of progress and that makes me happy. We had to miss therapy Wednesday because he was really sick, but I am hoping he is feeling better enough to go back Monday. 

   So that has pretty much been my whole week. No play dates until everyone is better, so it has been hard on all of us being stuck at home all week, the kids are starting to fight with each other and whine all the time, and I am frankly tired of all the whining and just of being here!  

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