Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby steps

   So, today has been our third time to the therapist's office. It is going pretty well I think. Mr. Rich, as Landon calls him, is so great, we couldn't have asked for a better therapist. Landon took right to him, which if you know Landon, not an easy task to accomplish. But he likes him a lot. Today he wanted to speak with me when the session was over. He said that he was concerned about his speech, because when he talks to him, he has a hard time communicating. He will repeat what another person has said when asked a question, because he doesn't understand and can't respond correctly. It wasn't anything I didn't already know; I have seen him do that a lot. It was nice to have someone else notice though. He also can't tell him a specific part of something. Like for instance, he asked him what his favorite part of the session was today. Landon couldn't answer him because he doesn't understand what favorite means. Mr. Rich said playing in the basket was his favorite part and Landon said it was his too. So there is definitely something to work on there. 

   The good news is, they do speech therapy there. He doesn't do it, but they have two ladies who do that, and he said they are great. The bad news is it's a separate session, and he offered to try and schedule them back to back so we don't have to come to Arden 4 times a week, but that is 2 hours of being there. I am already having trouble with Halle being away from me that long; she is having some separation anxiety. I don't think that her daddy can keep her at work for 2 hours a day, twice a week. That means going back to having someone else keep her, which caused her to become mute and still the whole time I was gone before... so I am not looking forward to that. I always feel like I am sacrificing one for the other... We will see how it goes I guess. But everything is going well otherwise, they are confident Landon is going to adjust and have a bright future, that is always nice to hear. :)

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