Thursday, September 25, 2008

Almost Friday, but not quite...

   It is Thursday! Not quite the weekend... I am so ready for the weekend though. I am tired, we have had something going on every day this week. We went to the park this morning with some new friends. The kids had a good time. They ran around everywhere and we fed the fish in the pond. 
   I called Landon's psychologist today to see when we could set up an appointment for his diagnosis... it has been over 5 weeks and she is supposed to be ready in 6, so I figured if I could call and set up a time, it would be right about the time to see her next week. Unfortunately, they told me that they didn't do it that way; when she is finished with her report, she will let them know and then the office staff calls and they figure it out... so I guess we are having to wait some more, I can only hope she is ready soon! It is driving me crazy.

   We are going to Megan's tomorrow to hang out. I am looking forward to it! She has become a real good friend. It will be a nice way to end the week. And yea, Grey's comes on tonight; hopefully this season will be better then the last couple! 

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