Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Almost here...

   I got a call from the doctor today... Landon's results are ready, so we are going to meet with her on Thursday. I am thrilled she was able to get us in so quick and I am tired of waiting, but I am scared too... this is going to change everything. I don't know what I want it to be; I know I can't change it, and I have pushed so hard for answers, but now I am afraid to hear them. We have to go alone, without him, I guess thy do that so if parents break down or freak out, the kids aren't there to see it. So it won't be long now. 

   His therapist said he had a great session yesterday. I took my mom with me so she could see the place and what they do. He was thrilled I was getting my family involved, he said people don't do it enough and they always encourage it. He said he seems less hesitant each time he comes in, and relaxes and becomes more sure of himself. A lot of the things he is still wary about, but I think he is getting there. I am so grateful to these people, they don't understand what a difference they are making in our lives. They are always so great with these kids; they never act like it is a job to them or to the parents. He showed me some more things to do with him at home, we have starting a brushing technique on his whole body with a surgical scrub brush, it helps the senses, and it is also like getting a massage for him, especially for his back, which he loves to have rubbed and scratched anyhow. I am supposed to do this at least 3 times a day. 

   Halle went with us yesterday, she liked the place too. I think she would be ok there if I had to bring her, and I may from time to time. But I find it easier to leave her with someone, as much as she doesn't like it, because I think that time is important for me and Landon. I want to be able to talk with and watch demonstrations without having to chase her or let her do it too. I know she doesn't understand, and I don't blame her, but I think I am just going to keep it as it is, with her not going all the time. 

   That's it for now!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday is here.

   Friday was a loooong day! I enjoyed that we stayed busy, but I am so burned out; it has been a long week. We went to Megan's and then to get a hair cut. Then we came home and later worked on Landon's therapy exercises. I think it will take me a while to get the hang of it, today he was receptive to me, but I know I am not Mr. Rich. 

   Nico is still having loose stool; I called the vet and they said to bring him in, but guess what? No money for that! They won't bill you either, you have to pay as soon as you are finished... I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with him! I am upset and frustrated we can't do this; and hearing my dad talking about his dog dying last night makes me feel even more scared, because I don't want to go through the pain he is going through from losing her. It is just such a big mess. :(


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Almost Friday, but not quite...

   It is Thursday! Not quite the weekend... I am so ready for the weekend though. I am tired, we have had something going on every day this week. We went to the park this morning with some new friends. The kids had a good time. They ran around everywhere and we fed the fish in the pond. 
   I called Landon's psychologist today to see when we could set up an appointment for his diagnosis... it has been over 5 weeks and she is supposed to be ready in 6, so I figured if I could call and set up a time, it would be right about the time to see her next week. Unfortunately, they told me that they didn't do it that way; when she is finished with her report, she will let them know and then the office staff calls and they figure it out... so I guess we are having to wait some more, I can only hope she is ready soon! It is driving me crazy.

   We are going to Megan's tomorrow to hang out. I am looking forward to it! She has become a real good friend. It will be a nice way to end the week. And yea, Grey's comes on tonight; hopefully this season will be better then the last couple! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby steps

   So, today has been our third time to the therapist's office. It is going pretty well I think. Mr. Rich, as Landon calls him, is so great, we couldn't have asked for a better therapist. Landon took right to him, which if you know Landon, not an easy task to accomplish. But he likes him a lot. Today he wanted to speak with me when the session was over. He said that he was concerned about his speech, because when he talks to him, he has a hard time communicating. He will repeat what another person has said when asked a question, because he doesn't understand and can't respond correctly. It wasn't anything I didn't already know; I have seen him do that a lot. It was nice to have someone else notice though. He also can't tell him a specific part of something. Like for instance, he asked him what his favorite part of the session was today. Landon couldn't answer him because he doesn't understand what favorite means. Mr. Rich said playing in the basket was his favorite part and Landon said it was his too. So there is definitely something to work on there. 

   The good news is, they do speech therapy there. He doesn't do it, but they have two ladies who do that, and he said they are great. The bad news is it's a separate session, and he offered to try and schedule them back to back so we don't have to come to Arden 4 times a week, but that is 2 hours of being there. I am already having trouble with Halle being away from me that long; she is having some separation anxiety. I don't think that her daddy can keep her at work for 2 hours a day, twice a week. That means going back to having someone else keep her, which caused her to become mute and still the whole time I was gone before... so I am not looking forward to that. I always feel like I am sacrificing one for the other... We will see how it goes I guess. But everything is going well otherwise, they are confident Landon is going to adjust and have a bright future, that is always nice to hear. :)