Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, it is another Monday! This one isn't as mad as some! Our first loop of therapy is finally over! We go back for our next loop at the end of Feb. I am happy to do anything he needs me to do, but I know the driving there every day and doing that for 3 weeks was draining on both of us. He did very well though, I was really proud of him. Now he is back at school all day. I am a little bothered; he is not going to the bathroom there, even in his pull up. So he is holding his pee all day and waiting until he gets home to go, so he leaks all over the place of course. I am not sure what to do about it though. Halle and I went back to a play date today as well. We had a good time. We are supposed to look over the next few weeks to see if Landon has had any improvements. They aren't guaranteed of course, and I don't want to get my hopes up, but I really hope that this therapy is going to help him, even a little. 

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