Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just don't know.

So, I am having a "day" today. Which is not uncommon by Thursday I guess. I have been so tired this week, and lack of sleep makes me grouchy. I even come home and sleep when I drop Halle off, and it helps, but never enough! Ugh. I get so irritated with even myself. 

And I am so irritated with Landon this week. Every since he has been back at school, he refuses to pee during the day, even in his pullup. So when he finally does, either at home or when they are sleeping, he goes so much that he leaks everywhere. So we have been going through 2 pair of pants a day. The thing is I know that he can do it. He is holding it so well, for such long periods of time, he knows what it is all about, it is not like he doesn't understand it, he just WON"T do it. I have tried to be patient and not pressure him, even though he is almost 5 and his sister is 3 and she is going fine to the potty. I keep in mind that he has autism and that they take longer to potty train. But he is getting so intelligent about things, and I really do think that this is just sheer stubbornness of not wanting to do it, because it is something new and he hates change. I think that once he did it, he would be fine, just like he does about everything else that he is afraid to try. He was afraid of the headphones and microphones, but once he did it, he was fine. I know he gets his stubbornness from me, isn't that ironic. It is just getting him to take that first leap. I try to explain things to him, and to get him to talk to me, and he just shuts down. I don't want him to be in kindergarten and not be potty trained. It is going to be bad enough because he is socially awkward, and not able to catch onto things as fast as other kids, I don't want to add to it. So right now, I am making him wear underwear instead of a pullup. He doesn't want to pee in it either, because he hates being wet, but he still won't go on the potty. I have tried bribing him with chocolate if he does go, and he still won't. He is driving me crazy. 

And of course I have to work tonight, and not get home until around midnight, then get up with Halle tomorrow because she has no school, then go BACK to work Friday. So, I am not seeing a good end to this day.

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