Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Been a while since I have updated! Landon is doing very well... he has finished with his initial 3 loops of Tomatis. He has made significant improvements after each one. We are going to wait 2 months and continue 2 more loops, which is the standard recommendation. After that, we will assess and see if he needs more. The therapist said that some kids have to continue them all the time, and others just come in every few months or so to center them. I am hoping he will be the latter. I am very proud of him though; he has done so well with the headphones and microphone. 

School was an adjustment to get back to. After leaving early for his loop then having Spring Break, he did not want to stay. But he seems to be back in the swing of things and I like that he gets to stay and do all the things his friends are doing. I got to spend a few minutes with him in OT yesterday; he is doing very well drawing his shapes. I hate that he is leaving that school soon! He only has a few weeks left. 

He is registered for kindergarten. Hopefully he will not have to go there! I am really hoping he gets into Hendersonville Elementary. We won't know until probably next week. There is an open house today to prospective students, and I was going to take him, but I didn't want to confuse him. He has already been to one school where everyone was telling him he was going. I didn't want to take him to another and him not end up going. They are having another open house in a couple of weeks for kids who actually got in, so if we do, we will go to that one. 

His birthday was a blast. We had it at Bounceville. Other then being a little cranky, which I think was from him getting over being sick and maybe just having too many people around, he had a good time. He is still having some trouble kicking his cold. The doctor thinks he may have asthma as well. His cough seems to be more intense and lasts longer when he is sick, as well as at night and when he runs around. He started him on Singulair. It has seem to help at night; so I will see how it works after he his cold has gone away too. 

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