On some other news, Landon is peeing in the potty! It is very exciting and unexpected. So far it is just peeing and just at home, but I am hoping we will work on up to the rest. The point is he is interested and is telling me when it is time to go. It is such a big relief for us. I am hoping he will be completely potty trained by kindergarten. I am curious as to whether the Tomatis actually helped him to do that... I am sure there would be an argument either way, but all I know is before, he never acted like he was ready or even interested and a week after his first loop he is going in the potty. Makes you wonder if they know what they are talking about after all!
I think Halle is feeling better, she had a little bit of a cold. Valentine's Day is coming soon. I think the kids will be able to do Valentine's in the class; I am excited about that. It is so cute. :) Anyways, that is all I have to say for now, getting ready to go to work soon, blah.